DORMAKABA TS 68 DOOR CLOSER : The ideal low-cost solution for standard doors. With the TS 68, dormakaba has developed a low-cost door closer which can be universally used on almost all common door types. People love to use a lot TS 68 door closer.
Spring strength : Size EN 3 EN 4
Standard and external doors : 950 mm 1100 mm
Max. door weight in kg : 70 kgs. - 80 kgs.
Door closer Height :- 53.5mm
Door closer Depth :- 45mm
Door closer Length :- 220mm
Door closer Weight :- 1.4 Kg.
1. Adjustable closing speed
in the range 180° – 15°.
2. Adjustable closing speed
in the range 15° – 0°.
3. Hold-open range with
hold-open arm model
(optional extra).
Closing cycle largely unaffected by temperature changes.
Two valves for optimum closing speed and reliable latching action.
Rack-and-pinion door closer with selectable closing force, size EN 2, 3 and 4;
Adjustable closing speed in two independent ranges.
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